To coin a well used turn of phrase; this half term has passed so quickly. Before we could blink, Easter holidays were here. As we had plans to go to France in the second half, I was keen to get the children to meet up with old friends and do as much outdoor stuff as possible during the first week.
On Monday we drove out to Child's Ercle to spend some much overdue time with the lovely Perkins family.
Whilst I was having tests done, Esther very kindly had my children and they spent a lovely day with the Daniels doing all sorts of fun things.
There was of course the necessary evil of last minute holiday essential shopping in the town centre, but a friend of mine joined me and the adult to child ratio significantly improved the potentially stressful situation. To pacify Eden, I allowed each of the children to bring two toys. The above photo probably sums up why I instantly regretted that decsions as soon as we'd exited the car in the car park. As it was so horrendously windy, we ended up eating the pic nic I'd prepared inside, but the kids didn't seem to mind and just enjoyed the adventure of eating opposite M and S!!!