This October half term was a little wet, however there were some sunny days and I took the children to the Tar tunnel, the park and Jungleland. Thursday was an at home day as we made preparations for the ward annual trunk or treat activity. So this year, I decided on a Superhero theme as Eden is into this so much. So we began by creating Gotham City using some cardboard boxes from the garage. I couldn't find any paintbrushes so I decide sponges would work just as well.
Mia was very good at this.
Daddy came home and we literally had 5 minutes for him to get changed. He had to wear my superman shirt which was a little tight on him to say the least! I borrowed a costume and made so e cat ears.
Here is the finished product. The children had great fun creating our boot and I am glad they have this tradition which our friend Sarah started 7 years ago. It's a safe way for them to enjoy Haloween and to see their Church friends.
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