Dubai: what an incredible experience. Firstly, it was amazing to see Loretta again, first time in a couple of years and secondly, the sheer enormity of the construction was just jaw dropping. I often felt like I was walking though the set of Star Wars when I went exploring the streets. Loretta's apartment building had a swimming pool on the roof top so I went there most mornings when I woke up. It was too hot to stay out at any other time of the day .
I loved getting to hang out with Loretta's children. Tyger (who is the same age is Eden) had grown up so much since I last saw him and it was lovely to meet Rio for the first time.
We ate out in amazing places, Loretta and Ross truly spoiled me.
Loretta treated me at the Ivy, a place I'd never been to.
I got to see lots of incredible buildings. Here is the Arc de Triomphe Dubai Style.
And incredible structure boasting aquarium, hotel, mall, restaurant and much more.
On Friday (the first day of the weekend; Friday and Saturday comprise the weekend in Muslim countries since Friday is the holy day in the Muslim calendar) we went to the beach. It was absolutely boiling but the sea was beautiful, like sitting in a warm bath.
My favourite part of the holiday though was our trip to old Dubai. We made the journey across the harbour in old boats and got to explore the souks and ate in a traditional restaurant.
Catching up with Loretta was amazing and so was spending time in an amazing city. I was really sad to say goodbye, but I was also ready to see Jason and my babies again - a week was too long without them.