Sunday, 21 June 2015

This is summer

So we are in full swing of the summer term.  Mia took part in the mini Olympics representing Randlay, I wasn't working that day so got to see her participate and was able to take her and her friends to and from the event.

After school activities have included work on fractions and playing in the garden. (Eden has re-discovered the joys of kicking a football about and I keep having to say "mind the windows!")

Daddy has been busy working away a lot, so we had a sleepover at the Kimbers one weekend which was lovely.  The children got to play outside in the country and enjoyed looking at the new lambs.

They enjoyed drawing a large picture after Sammy taped some paper to a table. It was interesting to see their doodles.

This week we made a bug hotel out of a plastic bottle decorated with some tape.  The children had fun hunting for the best place to put it in the garden.


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