Saturday, 24 December 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
Letting them make a mess...
After church today, Eden asked if he could take all the mattresses off the beds! The thought of all the mess that would create had me nearly at panic stations. We compromised and I said he could use the cushions and duvets. He wanted them to create a space ship and planets. He and Ismay spent most of the afternoon playing. It was so nice to see them using their imaginations and playing so nicely together.
Eden started by "space sliding" down the stairs.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Family time
We had the pleasure of attending the engagement party of Colin and Candy. We celebrated with food and cake.
Friday, 25 November 2016
The every day stuff
Time is flying - Daddy had his birthday, we went to KFC for dinner and had cake that the children had decorated for dessert.
Ismay and I have been playing Countdown after school. It gets dark so quickly now.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
We will remember
Today we attended church and wore poppies to remember those who had given their lives for our freedom. I didn't manage to get a picture of us all with our poppies, but here is a picture of Mia looking very grown up in some new clothes she had handed down to her. She really is growing up so fast.
Daddy took the opportunity to cut Eden's hair. I love how resourceful Jason is, check out the gown he made from a plastic bag.
Here is Eden with his smart new hair.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Belated bonfire night
We celebrated bonfire night a week late this year. Jason was given a lovely box of fireworks.
He was in his element setting them all up. We invited our lovely friends and family to join us and celebrated with donuts and hot chocolate.
The display was quite impressive and we all enjoyed spending time with each other.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Using our imagination
This is how we looked going to Church today. The children are growing up so quickly, they are nearly as tall as me.
Love Eden's eye protection.
Half term
Half term consisted of indoor picnics, play pit with friends and subway lunch with Grandma. It was a cold week but we had fun.
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Letting go
Today was one of those days were my kids really impressed me.
First of all they went and made crafts all by themselves.
Eden tidied the house for me. Then the girls decided to bake cakes.
Monday, 26 September 2016
Autumn is here
Back to school happened so quickly. And after a few sunny weeks Autumn crept the children decided to play with chalk in the kitchen as outside was too cold.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Escape to Derby
We rented a little bungalow and took the beauties for a mini holiday in Derby. We were surrounded by absolutely beautiful countryside. The canal path was just behind the house and provided a nice walk for the children.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Bank Holiday Fun
Today was most unusual.....beautiful weather for bank holiday. Daddy took the children to the town park.
There was also a fair.....daddy treated them to a ride.
What fun was had....then daddy took them to the Wrekin.
After dinner we then had FHE delivered by Ismay, planned and prepared by herself.
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