Sunday, 15 May 2016

Grandpa's birthday get together 2016

We had a lovely time celebrating Grandpa's birthday with Cissy and Sofia and Jordan, Leyla and Amelie.

Nanah had a go on the trampoline.

We ate lots of nice food.

The kids had a picnic on the carpet.

Grandpa ate lots of nice cake.

And we played lots of music.....s

Grandpa got presents.

The children put on a play.

Yes, you have seen this correctly, our son is wearing a dress!

It was their version of Snow White and they did a fab job.

After the festivities, our little monkeys were pooped!

Saturday, 7 May 2016

An unexpected gift.

Lately I feel that I hardly have any time for the kids or even myself because I'm so busy with work.  On Thursday Eden woke up and vomited. Jason was away so I had to take him to work and organise cover so I could look after him.  This meant a whole day off with him.  What a luxury. We bought some cake and when he was feeling better ate it in the sunshine in the garden.  I also had chance to plant my seedlings, something I had been meaning to do for sometime.  It was lovely to spend time with my boy. I love him so much. 

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Where is the sun?

We are still wondering where the sun is.  I was just going to put all the winter clothes away when it started snowing!! One Sunday, I decided that I was going to pretend the weather was nice and wore summery clothes. Jason took a picture for posterity. Just look at how gorgeous the kiddies are. We are so blessed.

Jason took the children pond dipping. They had great fun and of course Eden fell in and came home soaking wet.

I turned 38!!!!! To celebrate/commiserate Jason and I double dated with Sam and Jono at the burger place we like in Shrewsbury.

My little imps are really into cooking at the moment.  Just look at what they did mostly independently.