Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Escape to Derby

We rented a little bungalow and took the beauties for a mini holiday in Derby.  We were surrounded by absolutely beautiful countryside.  The canal path was just behind the house and provided a nice walk for the children.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Bank Holiday Fun

Today was most unusual.....beautiful weather for bank holiday.  Daddy took the children to the town park.
There was also a fair.....daddy treated them to a ride.
What fun was had....then daddy took them to the Wrekin.
After dinner we then had FHE delivered by Ismay, planned and prepared by herself.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Eden gets baptised.

It was wonderful to all be together for our special boys baptism.

Friday, 19 August 2016


We've been lucky with the weather, so we've had the paddling pool out quite a few times. We also grew some courgettes and tomatoes and the girls have had fun making up their own recipes for sweets.   Daddy also put a new shed in the garden. He's so clever, managed to assemble it by himself.