Sunday, 9 June 2013

Cannock Chase: 27th May 2013

I think May is quite possibly my favourite month, simply because we get two bank holidays (oh and it's Grandpa's birthday as well!!).

We were again fortunate to have a sunny Bank Holiday Monday so we decided to make the most of it. My darling Sarah (my best friend at University) suggested we meet at Cannock Chase, and we invited Hannah and the children to join us.

We ate our picnic (minus a couple of main components, yup, I forgot the bread!! Thank goodness there were two other women on the outing who were able to provide food to make up for my deficiencies!) in the park and then headed off on one of the trails.

Megan had been before, so she was keen to lead the way. She and Eden hit it off like a house on fire and were the trail blazers.

Watching the girls enter the fairy forest and see the fairy houses was absolutely magical. Ismay and Mia both gasped in delight to see the little doors carved into the trees.  Even Aniah who is not yet three seemed in awe of the magic.

Eden (and Daddy) enjoyed banging on the drums at the end of the trail.  We shall definitely be returning here again.

Family video here:


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