What a weekend! I had planned to do various things with friends, but April turned out to be a really busy month for people so decided to keep it quiet. Mummy and Daddy very kindly came down to stay to look after the children as we had planned to go to Alton Towers with our very dear friends the Pollands. Unfortunately, Gareth was called into work at the last minute so they very kindly took us out for dinner on Friday to one of our favourite places to eat, The Olive Tree instead.I was so spolit. J bought me a Nano for running with and a lovely retro radio, I had some beautiful flowers and gifts from various friends and the Pollands bought me the most beautiful dress which fitted perfectly.
The next day, Nanah and Grandpa took the children on a nature walk and Jason and I had a fabulous day at Alton Towers. We only had to queue to go on two of the rides, the rest we could just walk straight onto, and my back held out until we went on Air!
Sunday, 2 June 2013
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