Saturday, 5 April 2014

Winter Valentines trip to the Seaside - February 2014

On Tuesday 11th February I fell at work which necessitated me needing crutches to walk for a few weeks. We decided to take advantage of me needing to rest by going down to stay with Nanah and Grandpa so Mummy could rest and Nanah and Grandpa could help look after the girls and Eden.
Whilst we were at Nanah and Grandpa's Daddy and grandpa looked after the children and grandpa, who makes Ukeleles, got to to show the children his work shop. It was lovely to see the children enjoying being with their grandparents and seeing them strengthen the bond they share.

Whilst at Nanah and grandpas, the children enjoyed playing the Ukelele. It was the first time he had been to Nanah and grandpas new house and it was just lovely seeing them so settled in their surroundings.

On one of the mornings we went out for breakfast. Nanah and grandpa had the dubious pleasure of sitting with the children and mummy and daddy enjoyed a child free breakfast.
Of course, as Howlett tradition dictates, a visit to the beach was necessary (even in the gale force wind conditions). I think they lasted five minutes before they rushed back to the car.

Even though the Howlett family are scattered far and wide, we still feel those bonds of love whenever we get together. What a blessing it is to have a loving family. We love you all.


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