Here is a little glimpse into their little personalities.
Mia uses the same tactic every evening before bed. She asks to talk to either myself or J. I do enjoy this time, but I also think she enjoys procrastinating going to sleep! Last night I took them all to a rugby club as the man that runs the after school club of tag rugby that they go to suggested they try that. It was lovely to watch them adapt to a new set of circumstances. I was impressed with. Mia's catching skills and how quickly she managed to get used to being with new people.
On the walk home, I asked her if she had enjoyed her experience. She was perfectly frank with me: "to be honest Mummy, I just wanted to be in on the action, but I was just learning how to pass!" On the way home (we walked cos Daddy needed the car), our big conversation revolved around the type of person she was going to marry. It was very interesting listening to her ideas. She was sure she wanted to marry someone that respected her and her beliefs, on that she was quite clear. She also informed me that she wanted to have three girls named Hope, Joy and Happiness. She also told me she wanted to be sure that her daughters wanted those names. I asked her to elaborate on this and she said she didn't want her girls not to like their names as they would have them for the rest of their lives. It intruiged me that she is already becoming self conscious about hersel and made me wonder at what point we start to question ourselves and become aware of what others think.
Ismay absolutely adores school and can pretty much fit in anywhere. She is extremely confident and loves to read anything she can lay her hands on. The other day she was looking through one of those free supermarket magazines and found an experiment to create a rain cloud. She cut it out of the magazine and informed me that she wanted to perform this experiment. I asked her to involve her brother and sister, but they were more interested in playing Lego. Unperturbed, she forged ahead with the experiment, asking me to assist. I loved watching her concentration and determination.
I love how she is so interested in learning and finding out about the world around her. She collected the materials, recorded the experiment and asked me to help her with the ice. She is constantly hungry for knowledge and will read and write at any given moment.
Eden -when not at home- is a generous, caring and popular boy. He has many friends, in fact on our walk up to school, he has many people calling after him and asking him to play. He asked to go to a kids rugby club this week. I took him and was amazed to see how quickly he spotted one of his friends from school. He very quickly made sure she was ok, waited for her to get ready, then set off straight away to warm up with her.
And here is the man that makes it all possible. Our children wouldn't be who they are without the guidance of their caring, generous, kind hearted father. His hardworking, devoted attitutude to everything he does enables our children to be who they are.
I was impressed with how considerate he was in making sure they had equal turns at catching and throwing the ball to each other. As his mother, I frequently see a side to him where he screams when he doesn't get his own way, so it was reassuring that at least with his peers, some of what he's been taught at home has rubbed off!
Here are our gorgeous girls who both one player of the week in their tag rugby club so get to share the medal. Such a cute photo of these beautiful faces.
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