Wednesday, 1 October 2014

In the wars again

What is it with boys and broken bones? Today, just as I was about to redraft my methodology chapter for the third time,  I got a call from school to come right away.  Turns out Eden had fallen over at lunch time and had hurt himself. The Headteacher and deputy head were marvellous and had managed to calm him down and advised me to take him to A and E.  I wasn't convinced there was anything wrong and felt really guilty bringing him in.  All over A and E were signs saying "This is for real emergencies only".

I soon repented of this when the doctor showed me his X-ray. Collar bone clean broken. Poor lad. He'd been so brave I thought he was faking!  

Here he is at hospital. Apart from a few whimpers, he was very brave.

We were at hospital for a few hours and when we got home, Ismay and Mia were very kind to their brother.  Ismay wanted to give him his medicine, Mia helped him brush his teeth and we all tried to make him comfortable.

It was incredibly difficult to get him dressed, so in the end I just let him sleep in his school shirt.  He was really uncomfortable in the night and woke up several times bless him. He's not allowed the sling on at night in case he strangles himself, but he'll need to wear it in the day for the next three weeks. And no sport for six weeks at least. He's going to be like a caged animal.

He won't be able to wear a jumper for a while, so he was very chuffed to go to school in his hoodie.

One of the traditions we have in our house if you are ill is you get to choose tea. Eden requested "French" dinner, which means cucumber salad, Parma ham, pate, cheese, bread and soup. Not sure why Ismay looks so grumpy here!


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