We built a really good friendship with Jon, and he asked us to take care of an investigator, Zara Chetwood, before he left the area.
Well, when he came back off his mission he went and married Zara, and our friendship with the Kyd family continues to this day. We have for many years spent time visiting Essex and London and always incorporating a game of Articulate into the mix (Zara and I have yet to be beaten by the boys).
So this weekend, we decided it was high time we went to see the Kyds again. After the long drive to Essex we went to an American diner for lunch on the seafront at Southend on Sea.
The kids loved the authenticity of the place, it was very cool.
Oliver is such an amazing young man, hard to believe this handsome teenager was just a toddler when we first knew him. Eden enjoyed having a big boy look after him.
Jason enjoyed taking pictures of his food!
I enjoyed time with Zara and Jon, so good to catch up and chat.
We let the children make their own sundaes. That was a lot of fun, especially seeing their faces when we got the squinty cream out.The following day we watched conference all together. Here is a family photo we finally managed to take once Eden had finished his tantrum!
After conference, we let the children chill out. They had amazing fun playing in Jon and Za's massive back garden.
We love the Kyd family. No matter how many years go by, we always have amazing fun together, each time we meet bringing just as many laughs as the last. The love that binds our families has seen us through some pretty tough times. I can see us playing Articulate when we are 80, and I'm sure Zara and I will still win!!! We love you Kyds.
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