Sunday, 25 January 2015

A new bike

Last year a pedal fell off Ismay's bike and it couldn't be repaired. Ever since Ismay has been dying to have a bike, but with one thing and another we just didn't get around to getting her one. For her birthday, she received £20 and said she wanted to buy a bike. After doing some research on eBay we found a Raleigh one for £30. We told her that we would put £10 towards it if she earned it by doing some jobs.

She always keeps her room tidy, so she has been learning how to wipe the table down and load the dishwasher. We decided that she had earned her money so Saturday was the big day to go and collect her bike. She went with daddy to pick up this little beauty - a real bargain!

After this, the children decided that they wanted to go on a bike ride. As daddy is going to be away this week he said he would take them so I could rest.

I love Eden's pose here! Jason kept me updated with lots of photos, they cycled all the way to the town park and got absolutely filthy. Thank goodness for a washing machine and dryer.

They enjoyed playing in the park.   

They made it back in time before it got dark. The last weekend of the month is treat night so we had KFC chicken bucket for tea. Eden said to daddy that it was "the best day ever", the children are so lucky to have a daddy who spends time with them.


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